Phrase It - Speak Your Vocab!

by Astero



Vocab for a living language.

Add vocab, create sentences, and burn those words!HOW DO I USE IT?Phrase It is intended to help you speak better, faster, and with more confidence. You can do this by practicing creating sentences using new words in different ways. 1. Add a vocab word that youd like to learn better.2. Phrase It to practice using the word in sentences while progressing the word.STUDY POWERUPS- Use Voice input while Phrasing It- Use "Google Handwriting Input" while Phrasing It- Share your word and sentences to Lang-8 for feedback from native speakers (pro)- (Japanese learners) Import and manage your WaniKani vocabulary from the Add screenFeedback is appreciated.FUTURE FEATURES (Pro)- Cloud backup for vocab- Anki importAdded:- Flash feature; a new way to review your vocabulary- WaniKani level tag for Phrase It based on WK LevelMisc:- Added Google Analytics